Balancing Politics and Faith: Biblical Principles for Christian Voters
Many Christians are highly invested in the outcome of our political elections and there is certainly nothing wrong with being passionate about politics. We as Christians are passionate about many things in life: sports, hobbies, family, etc. But politics is an area of passion that easily goes to the extreme in our human nature. After all, it isn’t often that you hear a person putting the weight of future happiness on the outcome of a baseball game like they do on the practice of voting.
The media and even the candidates themselves are always stressing the importance of politics — sometimes to an apocalyptic degree. It is no surprise, then, that many Christians are quite anxious about the outcome of future elections. So, what should we as Christians do? Let’s walk through some important biblical principles that will help us when balancing politics and faith in our Christian journeys.
1. We Trust in God
“And in His name the nations shall hope. All the world will find its hope in His name.”
Our hope is in Jesus and nothing else. The answer to the world’s problems is always Jesus. While the government holds earthly authority and certainly has the power to make our lives easier or harder, the government won’t save anyone.
Systems of government are part of the kingdom of this world and, as a rule, are subject to corruption and failure. But our God never fails and there is no sin or dishonesty in him (1 Peter 2:22). That’s why there is no wisdom in putting our trust in government.
2. We Keep Our Great Commission Always Before Us
“But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and strivings about the law: for they are unprofitable and vain.”
It’s crucial, amid politically divided times, that we guard our relationships and our witness. Politics can be extremely personal, and passion can easily derail into contention. Remember that, second only to loving God, we are commanded to love our neighbor. And our primary mission in this life is to spread the gospel.
The will of God for us is “peace with all men” (Hebrews 12:14). We must ensure that our passion for politics does not eclipse the main focus of our lives as Christians: to love others and lead them to a saving relationship with Christ.
3. We Know That God is Not Registered to Vote
“Our citizenship is in heaven.”
We must be careful about ascribing a political position to God. Even if we strongly feel that one side of the fence is more aligned to Christian principals, it does not mean that it is God’s will for that particular side to win out in the end. God used Pharaoh to save Jacob and his sons from famine. He used Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to foretell the fall of nations and the rise of God’s kingdom. Neither of those leaders would have been considered on the ‘correct’ side of Godly principles.
God cannot be confined to a political party, and he can use anyone in power to achieve his will. He is our king, and no president, governor, or other elected official will receive glory before him. So, let’s not box up our mighty God into a single political party or candidate. He is certainly too big for that.
4. We Have Peace
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
It may seem impossible to have peace when our country is so divided, hateful, and at odds with itself. However, we know that all authority is given by God. No matter who wins, God knows, and God allowed it. Our Almighty God is in control no matter what, and we will not allow the condition of this world to take our peace.
5. We Pray for Others
“I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
Scripture instructs us to pray for all people. This means those who control our government, those candidates that we don’t agree with, as well as our neighbors who think differently than we do. Why? We are told the purpose of this type of humble prayer in the above scripture: For peace, for a quiet life, and so that we, ourselves, may become godly and dignified.
It does no good to argue, bicker, or speak hatefully toward those whose opinions oppose our own. In fact, it causes division, pain, and strife, and it can quickly damage our witness.
6. We Are Submitted to God
“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.”
So, how exactly should we engage in politics? Colossians 3:23 tells us, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord” This means that, just as we do everything, we do politics as followers of Christ. This means we do it not for ourselves or our own interests, but for the Lord, with the Lord, and in the will of the Lord.
We should always pray for every decision, including our vote. When we submit ourselves and our lives to Christ he will lead us to all truth.