6 Christ-Centered Easter Activities to Try This Year

It’s Easter Weekend, and during this time of the year, millions gather to celebrate Jesus’ triumph over death, hell, and the grave. We know that the purpose of this holiday is to remember what our risen Savior did for us on the cross, and that’s why we’ve got some ways you can keep Christ at the center of our fun traditions, brunches, and family time this holiday weekend!

1. Easter Trivia Game

This activity would be a great one to do with others or even by yourself. Take a stab at making up your own trivia questions or find an already prepared list of Easter trivia questions. It’s a fun way to have some healthy competition or to dig into scriptures surrounding the biblical accounts of why we celebrate Resurrection Sunday.

2. Easter Devotional

Consider reading a special devotional on Easter Sunday, whether on your own or with friends and family. You can find Easter-themed discussion questions or simply read the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. This is an impactful way to focus on Christ's gift of salvation to all and focus on the real reason we celebrate.

3. Empty Tomb Rolls

If you like to bake for your loved ones or have your own sweet tooth, you will enjoy making these yummy Empty Tomb Rolls that come along with a great object lesson for the kiddos.

If you want to spare yourself from having to roll out your own dough, you can just purchase a can of crescent rolls. You will also need large marshmallows, cinnamon and sugar mixed, melted butter, and of course an oven.

  • The marshmallow represents the body of Jesus

  • The dough signifies the wrapping of Jesus' body

  • The melted butter is symbolic of embalming oils

  • The cinnamon and sugar mix represents the spices that were used to anoint Christ's body. 

Your oven is the tomb and, saving the best part for last (hence the name “Empty Tomb Rolls”), once these rolls are baked, the marshmallow — Christ’s body — disappears!

4. Get Artistic

You can get really creative for Easter, whether you love to craft on your own or with your kids. Consider writing a poem about Jesus and what he’s done for you, or paint a canvas inspired by the gift of salvation that Christ has given us.

Draw inspiration from scriptures for your Resurrection Day crafts and get your creative juices flowing!

5. Pray in a “Garden”

Take your family outdoors and experience prayer in a nature setting like Jesus did the night before his crucifixion. You can even head outside on your own for this activity and try to imagine what the Savior was feeling on the eve of his suffering.

If you don’t have a park or a place nearby for a nature walk, you can still engage your children in this activity by making a pretend garden in a quiet place. Explain to your kids how Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and consider reading the biblical account of the garden. Use easy prayer prompts to help children along as they pray.

6. Invite Someone to Church!

In our Easter Sunday services, we celebrate that Jesus was raised from the dead. That miraculous morning, the women went to the tomb to find it empty, and they became the first to share the good news of the resurrection! What better way to commemorate the greatest event in history than to invite someone along to share in the celebration?

Keeping Jesus at the Forefront

As we enter Easter Weekend, it's crucial to center our celebrations on the true meaning of the holiday: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Amidst the festivities and family gatherings, these Christ-centered activities serve as meaningful reminders of the significance of this occasion. Each activity offers a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the gift of salvation.

By incorporating these practices into our Easter traditions, we honor the central role Jesus Christ takes in our lives and rejoice in his triumph over death, hell, and the grave.


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