We’ve Got the Scoop: Parkway’s Vision For the New Year!
Pastor Tim has announced the Parkway theme for 2024: Imitate
“Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters.”
All followers of Christ are challenged to be Christ-like and to have an individual desire to be like Jesus. But what was Christ’s mission? Jesus’ words in the Gospel of Matthew give us the answer when he said, “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” (Matthew 20:28 NIV)
We have an opportunity to lead lives of service just as Jesus did, and as a Church, we will be offered opportunities to do just that through three goals.
GOAL #1: Personal Character Development
The scripture tells us that Jesus grew in knowledge and wisdom as he prepared to serve. And so, we too need to grow in our own development of our Christian character in order to imitate Christ.
Here are some opportunities for you to be assisted in your Personal Character Development:
Foundations is a 7-week Bible study, that will be offered on Wednesday nights from January 10th to February 28th (Excluding January 24th). What a great opportunity to make sure we have a strong foundation of knowledge!
A Growth Evaluation is now available through the Church Center app. Everyone is invited to participate in an individual anonymous assessment and then participate in targeted Growth Tracks throughout the year on Wednesdays to address various areas of development. The Growth Tracks will begin in March. Take advantage of this tool designed just for Parkway Church!
GOAL #2: Strengthen Personal Relationships within the Church
Relationships are an important part of life, and that is no different within our church community. Parkway Church will be planning more large and small group gatherings designed to foster deeper connections.
In 2024 you can strengthen personal relationships by determining that you will participate in these opportunities for deeper connections with an open mind. Decide that you will show up and take a step to meet someone new.
It is not easy to open ourselves up to deeper connections. But the importance of these connections within a community of believers is so vital, that we must determine that we will take the risk and serve one another in this valuable way.
GOAL #3: Personal Missional Outreach
In 2024, Parkway Church will focus on local community needs through practical actions. We want to be a serving Church just as Jesus served. That means serving one another, but also serving others within our community.
We will have some very exciting opportunities in 2024 to provide for the needs of our community as a family of believers. Each of us within our own neighborhood may even be aware of needs of those around us that are not being met. Consider who and how we can serve in our local community.
Our world may be complicated, and life may get tangled. But the simple message of the church remains the same: We need Him and we need each other. Watch for details of events as we grow together!
Our focus in 2024 is to Imitate: Together we will imitate Christ more closely in the coming year. 🕇