How to Determine Your Spiritual Gifts

How to discover your spiritual gifts. Crystal ball in a road.
Now about the gifts of the Spirit, brothers and sisters, I do not want you to be uninformed…
— I Corinthians 12:1

We all have different abilities and personalities — that’s easy to see. But did you know that you have spiritual abilities specifically given to you when you are born again? The Bible tells us that we each have a specific set of spiritual gifts that are given to us in order to help others, to do the work of God, and to spread the good news of Jesus. That’s why it’s critical to know how to determine your spiritual gifts.

The analogy of a body is given to explain spiritual gifts. A body is one unit but has many parts with different purposes. Similarly, the church is one body, under one God with the same Spirit, yet we each represent individual parts of the whole. We each have a different role that we play, different work to do, all for the good of the body.

How to Determine Your Spiritual Gifts

How to determine your spiritual gifts. Man in a suit sitting on altar steps of an empty church

So, how can you find out what part you play in the family of God? Here are some ways that you can dig in and find out what gift God has given to you and how you can use that gift to do great things for his kingdom.

1. Attend First Steps

Your first step? FirstSteps! This two-part class is offered right here at Parkway Church every month. FirstSteps helps you to identify your spiritual gifts through an assessment that asks questions about your interests, personality, and experiences to suggest possible spiritual gifts. You will also learn about the ways that you can use your spiritual gifts to help others and to connect to Parkway church’s community of believers.

2. Prayer

The next step is getting connected with the Lord, and it’s simple: Ask God to reveal your spiritual gifts. As you pray for clarity, reflect on your passions, strengths, and how you feel called to serve others. Ask God to show you the gift he has given to you and how you can best use it.

3. Learn About Spiritual Gifts

God’s Word will be an incredible resource for you during this time of soul-searching. The Bible contains several passages that discuss spiritual gifts, such as 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. Reading these passages can provide insight into the different types of gifts and their purposes. It is likely that, when reading through these passages, you will recognize the gifts that you already posess.

Remember that scripture invites us to ask God for whichever gifts we feel are the best gifts. Our God is a loving Father and gives us the gifts we ask of him just like earthly fathers do.

“Eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit” I Corinthians 14:1

4. Seek Feedback

Other believers are another great resource for you to discover your spiritual gifts. Ask trusted friends, family members, or spiritual mentors for their observations about your strengths and how they see you serving others. Sometimes others can see our gifts more clearly than we can. You might just be surprised by how quickly a friend could tell you the gifts and talents they clearly see in you.

5. Experiment with Different Ministries

The best way to draw out the spiritual gifts that God has given you is to start doing! Get involved in different areas of service within the church or in the community. Trying out various roles can help you discover where you feel most effective and fulfilled.

Your Spiritual Gifts are Waiting!

Person standing on sandbar with beautiful sunset in background

“Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is within you” I Timothy 4:14

Spiritual Gifts are an important part of our role as Christians. These gifts guide us to how we can be most effective as followers of Christ. Spiritual gifts can change over time, and so examining our own gifts periodically is important and valuable for everyone. What are your spiritual gifts? And how are you using them to support the work of the family of God?


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