How Do You Know Which Ministry Is Right For You
Do you want to get more involved at church?
Congratulations! You’ve already taken the first step in joining a ministry: A desire to serve.
“Do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
But where do you go from here? It’s pretty daunting to decide which ministry to get involved in. What if you’re not good at it? What if you don’t like it? What if it’s too demanding?
These are valid concerns, but each of us has abilities and God-given talents. It’s our obligation to give them back to God’s kingdom in some way, right?
The good news is, the church gives us some great ways to discover, practice, and use our talents for spiritual benefits. And that’s what ministry is!
So, how do you know which ministry to join? Not every ministry is going to be the right fit for you, and that’s why Parkway offers the First Steps class to anyone looking to get involved - both our newest members and our most seasoned ones.
Check out our Parkway Exclusive post: Nils Haldorsen Explains Why EVERYONE Should Take First Steps
Here are some things you should consider when you’re looking to get involved and some things that First Steps can help you discover!
This is the first step – find out which ministries need help.
There’s something to be said here about God’s timing. If there’s not a need for volunteers in a ministry you’re interested in, maybe it’s not God’s plan for you right now.
When you’re feeling a pull to get involved, and that ministry does need help, that could be God telling you he wants you to meet that need!
Check out our Parkway Exclusive Post: Get Involved: Why Volunteering is So Important (And 3 Ministries That Need Your Help)
When you’re passionate about something, you’ll do it well and with dedication, right?
The reality is, though, there are a lot of roles in ministry that may seem passionless. Stuffing envelopes or serving food aren’t the most glamorous tasks, are they?
But that doesn’t mean they can’t contribute to your passion. If you love Sunday school, for example, you’ll find satisfaction in helping with the department's administrative tasks. It will benefit those kids!
It’s all about discovering where your passion is and seeing how your work contributes to that space in the kingdom.
The next thing to consider when choosing a ministry is probably the most important:
What are you good at?
Not everyone can preach. Not everyone can play the guitar. Not everyone is good with kids.
There’s some wonderful news, though: You have a set of talents that no one else has!
Looking at your talents is like looking at a secret map that leads somewhere amazing: God’s plan for you in his kingdom! After all, he gave you those gifts. And his plan is the best possible path for you. Ask yourself what talents you have and what areas of ministry could use your gifts.
Did you know “ability” isn’t the same thing as “talent”?
You may be a talented Sunday school teacher, but what if you don’t have the ability to dedicate the time needed to that ministry right now? Joining the Sunday school team may not be an option for you at this moment.
The important thing is to match up ministry needs with your talents and what you’re able to contribute at this time.
If you’ve ever been at a job that wasn’t a good fit, you know the sinking feeling that you’re not quite where you should be. Be aware that this can also happen in ministry.
If you join a ministry that’s not the right fit, here are some things that could happen.
Feeling ‘overlooked’ - This is most often seen when the area you get involved in doesn’t actually need help right now. You’ll be called on to serve less often than you’d like and you may feel like you’re being passed over.
Not feeling fulfilled – This can happen when you help in an area that you’re not particularly passionate about. When you’re not in an area that God has given you a heart for, you may end up feeling like you’re just going through the motions.
Feelings of failure – This happens when you join a ministry that you don’t have the right set of gifts to serve in. If you’re being asked to use talents you don’t have, you’ll end up feeling unsuccessful.
Burning out – Maybe the ministry you’re passionate about has a need and you have the talent to fill it. But, if you don’t have the bandwidth – a.k.a. the ability – to do the job right, you’ll start to feel overwhelmed.
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”
If you’ve read through the risks and you’re feeling nervous about joining a ministry, take a deep breath!
There’s no rule that says you have to stay in one spot forever. There are all sorts of seasons in life, and that’s the case with ministry as well. In fact, your current ministry is likely preparing you for the next step God has for you.
Ask God to guide your ministry choices and trust that He will open doors to get you where He wants you right now.
The best way to get started figuring out which ministry is right for you is simple:
Start saying “yes.”