Celebrating Women’s History Month: 7 Heroic Women in the Bible
Women play a big role in the history of Israel as well as the church today. Among the famous stories in both the Old and New Testaments, there are many female leaders, prophets, and even some heroes.
Since it’s Women’s History Month, we want to take some time to remember and honor some important women in the Bible!
1. Shiphrah and Puah
In the book of Exodus, when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, their population was growing quickly and alarming Pharaoh. That’s why he directed the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill all male Hebrew babies and control the Hebrew population.
These brave women feared God, though, and chose to lie to Pharaoh, risking their own lives to save the male babies. Many believe that one of the babies saved by the midwives was Moses, who would eventually lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.
Read this story in Exodus Chapter 1!
2. Rahab
During the Israelites’ conquest of Canaan, two Hebrew men were sent to spy out the land in Jericho. The men stayed in the house of a prostitute named Rahab. The king of Jericho commanded Rahab to hand over the spies, but she hid them because, as she told the two spies, everyone had heard of the great miracles God had done for them.
Because Rahab had saved the spies, the men spared her and her family when they returned to capture the city. As it turns out, Rahab is now one of the handful of women listed in the genealogy of Christ!
Read this story in Joshua Chapter 2!
3. Deborah
At the end of the book of Joshua, the nation of Israel declared, “We will serve the LORD our God and obey him” (Joshua 23:24). But after Joshua and the elders died, the nation entered a dark period of disobedience, sin and idolatry. During this time, God raised up 12 judges to deliver Israel from their enemies.
The only female judge among them was Deborah. This certainly was an unusual role for a woman at that time, but Deborah had faith in her calling by God. Under Deborah’s leadership, the Israelites were delivered from Jabin, the king of Canaan, and his general, Sisera.
Read this story in Judges Chapter 4!
4. Esther
Esther is one of only two books in the Bible named after a woman. It tells the story of a brave young woman named Esther, who was one of many beautiful women taken to the Persian king’s palace as the prospective new queen. She did not reveal her Jewish heritage, and the king chose Esther to be queen, but one of the king’s officers devised a plan to annihilate the Jews.
Esther agreed to go to the king to plead for her people. This was very dangerous, since she knew that if she went in without being summoned, she may be killed. But she fasted with all the Jews before approached the king, and she was accepted.
Because Esther was obedient to her calling and showed wisdom in leading a fast in preparation, she was able to plead for her people and save their lives.
Read this story in Esther Chapters 1-10!
5. The Woman at the Well
In the New Testament, the apostle John described an encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman at a well. She was not named, but the account indicated she was not only a despised Samaritan, but she was also a woman with a sinful and shameful life. Even so, she was the very first person to which Jesus revealed his identity as the Messiah.
This iconic conversation at the well led to the Samaritan woman telling everyone what she had seen and heard, leading to many of the people in that town believing in Jesus.
Read this story in John Chapter 4!
6. The Woman with the Issue of Blood
In another encounter, another unnamed woman with “an issue of blood” — or a condition that put her in a constant state of menstruation — is an example of extreme faith. Risking ridicule and embarrassment, she pressed through a crowd to touch Jesus’ garment and receive healing from her condition.
Even though this woman was considered ‘unclean,’ Jesus didn’t shame or admonish her. Rather, he told her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well.”
Read this story in Luke 8:40-48!
Honoring Godly Women Today
These biblical women show us that God often chooses those whom society wouldn’t expect or even looks down upon. And before they were used by God, they weren’t what most people would describe as heroes. Even so, these women were able to accomplish great things through God because of their bravery, obedience, and faith.
In honor of Women’s History Month, let’s remember and appreciate the women in our lives that have contributed to our growth, our victories, and our walks with God!
“Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. ”