9 Christ-Centered Christmas Traditions to Start This Year

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it's easy to lose sight of the true meaning of Christmas. Amid the gift shopping, decorating, and feasting, how do we keep our focus on the birth of Jesus Christ and what it means for our world? Let’s explore nine Christ-centered Christmas traditions that you can start this year to help your family embrace the spiritual significance of this joyous holiday!

1. Read the Nativity Story

One of the most profound ways to keep Christ at the center of your Christmas celebration is by reading the Nativity Story from the Bible every year. You can read the account on your own or gather your family and friends together to read it as a group. Read the account of Jesus' birth in the book of Luke, ponder it, and discuss it. This tradition helps everyone remember why Christmas is celebrated in the first place and reinforces the importance of faith in our Savior.

2. Write a Letter As a Stocking Stuffer

Incorporate a heartfelt and personal touch to your Christmas stockings by adding handwritten letters to your little ones. Express your love, gratitude, and prayers for their futures. These letters serve as a constant reminder of the importance of family bonds and the love that Christ represents.

3. Give Gifts to Jesus

Shift the focus from receiving gifts to giving gifts to Jesus. Encourage each family member to write down a pledge of a gift they want to give to Jesus in the coming year. Whether it's helping those in need, improving your individual prayer life, or joining a church ministry, this tradition reinforces the spirit of giving and selflessness. And who better to give gifts to than Jesus?

4. Put On a Nativity Play

Engage your children in a meaningful Christ-centered activity by organizing a Nativity play. Let them reenact the story of Jesus' birth, dressing up as Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. This hands-on experience helps kids understand the story's significance and creates lasting and meaningful memories.

5. Do The "Three Wise Men Gifts" Exchange

The baby Jesus' gifts were:

  • Gold (symbolizing his kingship among the Jews)

  • Frankincense (symbolizing his divinity)

  • Myrrh (symbolizing his mortality)

Emulate the gifts of the Wise Men by exchanging presents that hold similar special meaning for your family members or children. A way to mirror these gifts would be to give:

  • One gift that reinforces belonging (a photo collage, something saying 'big brother', etc.)

  • One gift that symbolizes their identity in Jesus (a shirt that says 'Jesus loves me', a new Bible, etc.) 

  • One gift that meets a specific need that they have

This tradition fosters thoughtfulness and spiritual reflection in gift-giving!

6. Attend a Traditional Christmas Play

Support your local community and immerse yourselves in the Christmas spirit by attending a traditional Christmas play or pageant. These performances often depict the Nativity story and provide a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the birth of Jesus as a family and as a community.

7. Volunteer as a Family

Give back to your community and exemplify Christ's teachings by volunteering together as a family. You can serve at a local shelter, organize a food drive, or participate in other charitable activities. Volunteering instills the values of compassion and selflessness in your children.

8. Give to Charity as a Family

Allocate a portion of your holiday budget to support a charitable cause as a family. Discuss and decide as a unit where your donation should go. This act of generosity reinforces the importance of helping those less fortunate during a season when need is felt immensely. 

9. Share Your Testimony With the Family

Gather your family around and encourage each member to share their personal testimony of faith and how Christ has impacted their lives. Sharing these experiences fosters a deep sense of connection and reinforces the central role of Jesus in your family's life.

Keep Christ At the Forefront This Season!

This Christmas, you can make it a priority to center your celebrations around the birth of Christ. These nine traditions will not only bring your family closer together but also strengthen your faith and give Jesus the honor he deserves. By incorporating these Christ-centered activities, you can create lasting memories and ensure that the true meaning of Christmas remains at the heart of your holiday festivities!


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