Invite Someone to Family Sunday Next Weekend!

Hey there, Parkway Church family! Guess what’s happening next Sunday, June 30th? That’s right — It’s Family Sunday!

Every fifth Sunday, we come together for a special service that celebrates our families and the joy of serving God together as a church family. Family Sunday is an uplifting, fun-filled church service that’s perfect for all ages, and it’s a time when our church community unites.

We’d love for you to invite a friend or family to join us — Let’s make this Family Sunday the best one yet!

What to Expect This Family Sunday

Our Kids and Youth Get Involved

One of the most exciting aspects of Family Sunday is seeing our kids and youth in action. During these special services, children aged 4 and up join their families in the sanctuary for the service. Don’t worry, though — Sunday School and childcare will still be available for our little ones aged 3 and under.

Our children’s ministry, Kidz Parkway, and our youth ministry, Anthem, play vital roles in the service production on fifth Sundays. You’ll likely see many of our kids serving as greeters when you walk into the church, as singers and musicians during the worship service, as ushers during the offering, and even as camera operators! It’s a beautiful sight to see families serving in ministry together, working hand in hand to create a memorable worship experience for all.

Don’t Forget Your Parkway Church Merch

Family Sunday is a great opportunity to show off your Parkway Church pride! We love to wear our Parkway Church shirts, sweatshirts, and even hats on this special day. If you don’t have any church merch yet, no worries! You can pick up some stylish gear in our bookstore after service. Let’s all dress in our Parkway gear and celebrate our community spirit together!

Join Us for Tailgating After Service!

This Family Sunday, the fun won’t end with the morning service! After next week’s Family Sunday, we’re hosting a tailgating party in the south parking lot. Bring your grill and your meats or even just your favorite box lunch and join us for some post-service fun.

We’ll have yard games for everyone to enjoy, as well as an ice cream truck offering delicious ice cream and shaved ice! It’s a fantastic way to unwind, connect with fellow church members, and enjoy a beautiful day together outdoors.

Invite a Guest to Family Sunday!

Family Sunday is the perfect time to invite guests to experience the warmth and joy of Parkway Church. We’ll have a Welcome Tent set up where guests can grab some free food, learn more about Parkway, and discover how to get connected with our church community. Let’s extend our hospitality and make our friends, family, and neighbors part of our church family from the moment they arrive!

Why Do We Have Family Sundays?

Unity With Our Church Family

Family Sundays are all about unity. These special services bring us together as one church family, working side by side to accomplish great things for the kingdom of God. It’s a beautiful reminder of the strength and love that comes from being part of a faith community. By serving together and having fun together, we can strengthen our bonds and encourage each other in our spiritual journeys.

Preparing the Next Generation

One of the key goals of Family Sundays is to prepare the next generation for service in God’s kingdom. By involving our kids and youth in various ministries, we give them the opportunity to explore their gifts and talents. These experiences help them grow in their faith and develop a heart for serving others, laying a strong foundation for their future roles in the kingdom.

Building Community

Family Sundays are perfect for building community. These services create amazing opportunities to connect with one another, get to know each other better, and share wonderful, fun experiences together. Whether it’s through serving, worshiping, or simply enjoying a tailgate party, Family Sundays help us build lasting relationships and a strong, supportive church family.

Ready for Family Sunday?

So, mark your calendars and get ready for an incredible Family Sunday next weekend! It’s going to be a day filled with joy, unity, and community. Don’t forget to invite someone to join us and experience the love and warmth of Christ at Parkway Church. Let’s come together, celebrate our families, and make this Family Sunday one to remember. See you there!


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