Parkway First Impressions: Meet the Leaders Behind Out Greeters
Ed & Yomaira Cruz (First Impressions Coaches)
Maybe you’ve heard the old adage, “You never get a second chance to make a good first impression.” This means our first opportunity to impact people is critical. Coming to Parkway Church every week is an amazing experience for many of us, but the initial impression people get when they enter our building is not left to chance.
That’s where our First Impressions team steps in! We caught up with Ed & Yomaira Cruz, the dynamic duo that is part of First Impressions’ leadership team, and gained some insight into what it takes to make the best first impression possible!
Roles on the First Impressions Team
If you’ve ever wondered what First Impressions is, it’s a ministry that engages people in a positive and encouraging way when they’re on the church campus. Simply put, they are the face of Parkway Church and help to make people feel welcome.
When speaking with Ed and Yomaira, we asked them to explain the different roles on the First Impressions team — Greeters and Guest Services.
You’ve probably seen our amazing greeters posted at the doors and in other areas of the church. This team is truly responsible for the very first impression people get when walking into Parkway Church!
“The greeting team helps our first-time guests, returning guests, and members feel welcomed. They make everyone feel like they are at home.”
Guest Services
Maybe you’ve seen volunteers posted at our Welcome area in the lobby before and after service. This is the Guest Services team, and they have a critical role in First Impressions — they connect with guests on a more personal level. Guest Services further engage our visitors, taking an additional step to offer them more information and more ways to get connected at Parkway.
“The goal of Guest Services is to ensure that our first-time visitors are encouraged about their spiritual experience at church. We want our guests to leave empowered to continue their journey in Christ.”
Growth Goals for First Impressions
All ministries work best when they’re evaluated for continued growth and effectiveness. That’s why we asked Ed and Yomaira how they have seen First Impressions grow over the years.
“We’ve seen First Impressions grow in many areas. We’ve grown in numbers, we’ve grown in unity, and we’ve grown in various areas of administration. We would like to see the guest services team grow even further, so we could definitely use more volunteers in both Guest Services and the Greeting team.”
Growing the guest services team will provide a greater opportunity to help everyone visiting Parkway Church have a positive and memorable experience. It will allow for future connection opportunities as well!
Want to Join First Impressions?
“We have a great team of people who work well together and are excited to serve every Sunday. They enjoy welcoming all the people into the house of God on Sundays. They fully understand the vision and the mission of the church and work diligently to accomplish it. ”
When people visit Parkway Church, we know that it’s entirely by the direction of God. However, our First Impressions team consistently answers the call in ensuring those who enter God’s house are greeted with the utmost respect and care.
We are so grateful for the First Impression team, and if you’re ready to jump into serving in this ministry, fill out a ministry application form or reach out to Ed and Yomaira Cruz about joining the team!