Ramzi and Skylah Gave Us a Sneak Peek at this Sunday's Worship Service!
It’s Family Sunday tomorrow and we can’t wait to see our families serving together during our Sunday morning service! We caught up with Ramzi and Skylah Elassadi this week and had the opportunity to discuss this week’s worship set. We’re anticipating that God is going to do great things this week!
Here’s a sneak peek at Sunday’s worship service.
What Songs Are Scheduled This Sunday?
Ramzi, Parkway’s Music Director, talked about the reoccurring theme of victory in this week’s songs, “In Jesus Name,” “I Thank God,” and “Graves into Gardens.”
“They all denote a victory that is had, not one that is being fought for,” he explained. “In our flesh, bound by time, we can easily forget that He stepped into time and wrought a victory outside of the boundaries that we’re confined to.”
Skylah, this week’s Worship Leader, talked about the powerful song “Graves Into Gardens,” particularly the second verse that says:
I'm not afraid to show you my weakness. My failures and flaws, Lord you’ve seen them all and you still call me friend.
“It's a reminder that even when you feel useless or unlovable because of your past or whatever you're struggling with, that He still loves you more than you can ever imagine,” she explained. “If He can raise bones into armies, what can he do with my life and what I have to offer to His kingdom?”
Family Sunday’s Worship Set
“In Jesus Name” (Darlene Zschech)
“I Thank God” (Maverick City Music)
“Graves Into Gardens” (Brandon Lake)
“More and More” (BJ Putnam)
“Heaven” (UPCI Music)
What Goes into Planning a Worship Service?
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to put a worship set together?
We often notice how well some of the songs flow together in both sound and theme. And a lot of times, the songs are in perfect harmony with the word of God that we hear following the song service. That can’t be a coincidence, can it?
Ramzi and Skylah say that the keys to preparing for a worship service — one that allows God to move miraculously — lie in prayer and in relationship with God.
“Does God have something specific for this moment? Does God have a message for his people? I would say he always does,” Ramzi said. “Choosing songs and choosing what to say in transitional moments comes from that consistent relationship.”
Skylah discussed some of her process when praying for an upcoming song set, and how much of it has to do with “tapping into the vein of the church” to flow in the direction God wants us to go for that particular service.
“For me, that means being observant to the season of praise and worship that the church is in,” she explained.
The Meaning of Worship
When we worship the Lord, what are we really doing? And why is our individual worship so important in our walk with God?
Ramzi talked about the origins of our English word, “worship” and how impactful it can be to understand that it relates to the word “worthy.”
“Worship is to whom or what we ascribe worth, so anything and everything we do indicates what we consider to be ‘worthy’ of our time, energy, and adoration.”
That means when we worship God, we are declaring and displaying his importance to us. But worship does something in our individual hearts as well. Skylah explained about what we personally experience in our hearts and in our lives when submitting to God in worship.
“I've found that when life starts to feel heavy and my mind is distracted by everything happening around me, that there is something powerful that happens by stopping and surrendering to God in that moment by worshiping Him and lifting Him up,” she said.
“There doesn’t have to be music, just you and the Lord. ”
Why is Corporate Worship Important?
“In the midst of the congregation I will praise you”
While worshipping God and giving him the praise and honor he deserves in our individual lives is crucial to our walk, there’s a reason we get together to worship as a congregation on Sunday mornings.
“When we come together,” Ramzi said. “There is a powerful dynamic of fellowship that strengthens us spiritually and mentally.”
The truth is that there are a lot of scriptures describing worshipping together as a powerful weapon in our spiritual battles. In 2 Chronicles chapter 20, for example, the people saw victory because of their worship!
“And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed. ”
“Not only are we conquering things together but we know without a doubt that he is also among us, fighting, comforting, and lifting us up.” Skylah said. “We are all in this together and that is what His Kingdom is about. Creating a place where anyone who comes can have the freedom to worship, so their chains are broken and their past forgiven… so that they might be saved.”
Do you have battles that need to be fought? Worship is how those battles are won!
See you tomorrow for Family Sunday!