When Should You Fast?
Fasting isn’t an easy practice, but it’s a necessary one for believers. For many of us, though, it’s difficult to work this discipline into our lives and get into the habit of fasting effectively. Should we fast on a weekly basis? On a yearly basis? Whenever we’re facing troubles? We know fasting is important, but when exactly should you fast? Let’s talk about six times in life that the Bible tells us we should engage in this important spiritual discipline.
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6 Times You Should Definitely Fast
1. When You Need to Make a Decision
When faced with a significant decision in life — whether it’s changing jobs, changing ministries, deciding to get married, or some other life-altering decision — fasting can provide clarity and guidance.
In Judges chapter 20, we see a massive civil war break out between the tribe of Benjamin and the rest of Israel. Israel prayed to the Lord and asked which tribes should go up against Benjamin, and the Lord actually gave responses multiple times. However, Benjamin kept winning the battles.
Then, in verse 26, the people fasted before inquiring of the Lord once more. Once they fasted, God assured them that they would see victory.
“ Go up, for tomorrow I will give them into your hand. ”
That’s when the armies of Israel were finally able to change their battle strategy and emerge victorious.
We can see here that fasting helps us to align our hearts and our life strategies with the Lord’s plan. By setting aside our own opinions and desires, we can better see what the Lord’s will is for our individual decisions.
2. When You Have a Significant Need
Living life while lacking urgent things is an incredible struggle. Throughout our lives, we experience danger, losses, hardship, and other situations in which we have a great need. When we are up against situations greater than ourselves, fasting is an incredible way to display our trust in God.
The story of Esther is a perfect example of this. Along with her people, Queen Esther faced the threat of annihilation at the hands of the Persian Empire. Faced with this dire situation, she was about to do something incredibly dangerous.
“Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish. ”
Esther's decision to organize a fast was a demonstration of her reliance on God and a plea for him to protect her in her time of need. She drew closer to God, sought his favor, and found wisdom and courage in her time of great adversity.
Whether it's a health crisis, financial challenge, or personal struggle, fasting is a powerful demonstration of faith and dependence on God’s trustworthy hand. And he will honor your faith with hope, peace, and provision in times when you have no other resources.
3. When You Begin a New Ministry Season
Our roles in the kingdom of God have different seasons, and when new opportunities arise, these times can be both exciting and frightening. When you start to feel like God is moving you in a different direction of ministry, it’s important to be completely aligned with his will.
When Barnabas and Saul (Paul) were called by God to a new ministry, they had already been fasting and then they continued to fast before setting off to work.
“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’ Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off. ”
Fasting, then, is an amazing way to align with God’s will for a new path of ministry in your life!
4. At Times of Repentance
There are times in all of our spiritual walks when we make mistakes. Maybe we make the wrong decision, say the wrong thing, cause harm to others, or stray from the Lord’s will. God is always faithful to forgive us when we repent and turn our lives and our focus back toward him and his kingdom.
“‘Even now,’ declares the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.’ ”
In 2 Samuel 12:14-16, David fasted for seven days, seeking God's forgiveness and healing for his dying child. His fast aimed not to manipulate God but to humbly reconcile with him through heartfelt prayer after a horrible sin.
During times of repentance, fasting is a humbling and honest way to recommit ourselves to God’s plan for our lives. This type of fast has two benefits: Diminishing the power of our flesh that got us into the situation we’re in, and aligning our hearts and minds with God’s will.
5. When You’re Fighting Spiritual Battles
We know that spiritual battles aren’t fought with physical weapons. When we fight against our spiritual enemy, we don the armor of God instead. But we may find ourselves in battles that are too much for us. We pray urgently and speak against the enemy with authority, but the issues we’re fighting don’t go anywhere.
In his gospel, Matthew recounts the story of a child possessed. The disciples were unsuccessful at casting it out and how they asked Jesus why. Jesus explained that it was because of their unbelief, and that “this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting,” (Matt 17:20-21).
In the spiritual realm, we don’t have any power of our own. We get in deep over our heads when we try to fight spiritual battles with our own might. So, how do we ensure victory in those moments of adversity? With prayer and fasting, which strengthens our faith!
6. As Part of Your Spiritual Routine
Lastly, incorporating fasting into your regular spiritual routine is a fantastic way to regularly weaken your flesh and maintain a strong connection with God. The Jews, for example, fasted corporately every year on the Day of Atonement.
Today, it’s still common for believers to fast on specific days of the week or during certain reoccurring seasons — like at the start of every New Year — to draw closer to God.
“Man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. ”
Related Article: 4 Tips For Successful Fasting
Consider Fasting Today!
It’s clear from scripture that fasting is a profound spiritual practice that can help us deepen our connection with God and seek his guidance and intervention in various aspects of our lives. Whether you're facing a major decision, experiencing a significant need, or simply want to strengthen your faith, fasting is a valuable tool on your spiritual journey.