We Took a Peek into Parkway’s Interpreting Ministry!

Scripture tells us, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” (Romans 10:17) and that is the driving force behind why we meet weekly to worship and hear the Word of God together on Sunday mornings. But what about those among us who are unable to hear, or do not speak the language that the word of God is taught in?

That is where our translation ministry teams step in! Parkway Church is proud to be able to offer interpretation for deaf and Spanish speaking members of our church family and it all happens because of the sacrifice and service of these ministry team members.

Parkway’s Spanish Translation Ministry

Ricky and Yeri Garcia lead our Spanish Translation ministry, and their team provides real-time translation during services. They ensure that our Spanish speaking attenders are able to enjoy the service in their native language.

Each Sunday, these ministry team members distribute audio receiver packs and earpieces to those who wish to hear the service in Spanish. Then, during the sermon, in the small room South of the platform, a translator listens to the preacher through an audio feed and translates the message into Spanish. And so, Spanish speaking members are able to hear the words spoken in their own language — real-time.

The Spanish Translation team is a group that’s motivated by love and compassion for those that they minister to for a very special reason. All members of the translation ministry who currently translate during service once had someone else translating to them when they did not speak or understood English many years ago. They are now blessed to serve as they too were once served!

Our Spanish speaking members are truly a special group. Though they may not understand all of what we are singing or saying, still they praise God and are faithful in attendance to Parkway Church. We are so thankful for the Spanish Translation ministry that allows them to hear the life-giving word in their own Spanish language.

Parkway’s ASL Translation Ministry

Leading our ASL Translation Ministry at Parkway is Toni Bergeron. She provides professional interpretation on Sundays for our members who are deaf or hard of hearing.  

Toni was 10-years old when she learned sign language right here at Parkway Church, and she did so to fulfill a need for interpretation during service. She received formal training as an interpreter in college and now interprets professionally. But her heart has always been for interpreting the Word of God.

You have probably seen Toni interpret in a service. The nature of her ministry puts her front and center in any gathering, even if she would rather be less conspicuous. Sign language is beautiful to watch because it moves beyond the interpretation of words and expresses meaning through emotion and visual storytelling.

A Shout of Thanks to Our Translation Ministry!

We can see through these stories that the translation ministry is a very special ministry. Many of these individuals give where they have also received and have a very special relationship with those that they serve. It has been said that we are blessed when we are a blessing to others, and that is never truer than for our translation ministries.

What a blessing to be able to deliver truth and impart faith and hope to all of our church family!


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